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Parent hub

Everything you need to know as a parent or carer of a student at In Toto Peterborough. Check the handbook, make a payment, or use our handy quick links for further resources.

Parent payments


Throughout the year, there may be payments to be made for things like trips. Links will be shared here when they are ready to be paid. Please only make a payment if you have been requested to. If you have any questions, please contact our Finance Manager.


The In Toto Ed Parent Handbook

Home Learning


Parents and carers appreciate In Toto Ed’s home learning offering due to the seamless way it enables them to stay involved in their child's education. With its user-friendly interface, our VLE Firefly gives remote access to valuable teaching resources and revision materials. This access allows parents to better support their child's learning at home, helping them review lessons and prepare for exams. Students can also access Myimaths, Times Tables Rock Stars, and Microsoft Teams, extending their access to the same high-quality resources they use in school.

The In Toto Ed website open on a laptop

Parent Portal


The Parent Portal is a place for all parents and carers to get up-to-date information. The platform is also available as an app and provides easy access to timetables as well as being a convenient way to update student information.

If you have any questions and would like to speak to a member of staff, please contact our Head Stuart Judge

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