Student safety
If you have any concerns about an In Toto Ed student’s safety or well-being, please phone 0203 691 4053 or email info@in-toto-ed.com. The phone line and inbox will be monitored between the hours of 8.00am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Those who make contact outside of these hours will be directed to alternative agencies as detailed below.
If you are a student and believe you are in immediate danger or are ringing on behalf of a student you believe may be in immediate danger then please contact the police on either 999 or 101. If it is not an emergency but you need help, you can contact:
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis you can also text YM to 85258​
You can also present yourself to A&E at your local hospital or attend your local Police Station 24/7.
If you need longer-term support, the NHS have a self-referral service.
If you have concerns about the wellbeing of a child then please contact Social services on the numbers below:
London – Greenwich Social Services: 020 8854 8888.
Lewisham Social Services: Emergency duty team on 020 8314 6000 and ask to speak to the out-of-hours duty social worker
Cambridge and Peterborough Social Services: Emergency Duty Team on 01733 234724
If you have any queries, please contact your Head of Provision.