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School Notebook


At In Toto Peterborough we are committed to supporting all our students in achieving high attendance. Regular attendance not only promotes reliability and consistency, but also gives students the best chance to thrive academically and socially.


Parents and carers have a legal responsibility to ensure their child attends daily and arrives on time. A punctual start to the day is crucial, helping students settle into their routine and make the most of their learning opportunities.

The Importance of Punctuality

Punctuality is the cornerstone of success and arriving on time ensures that students begin their day positively, ready to engage with their learning and to participate fully in our community.


Reporting an Unplanned Absence

If your child cannot attend lessons due to illness or another unforeseen reason, you must inform us as early as possible. Please call us on 01733 963980 before 9am, providing the reason for the absence.


When absences are due to medical reasons, please be specific about the condition. In cases of contagious illnesses like chickenpox or measles, we may notify other families and staff. Persistent absences will require medical evidence.


Safeguarding is a top priority at our school. If a student is absent without notification, we will contact parents or carers. If we cannot reach you, we will try emergency contacts. If no one can be reached, our Pastoral Team will investigate, potentially including a home visit, on the first day of absence.


Reporting a Planned Absence

If your child has an appointment during lesson time, please notify us in advance by phone or email. Wherever possible, appointments should be scheduled out of hours. If this is unavoidable, arranging appointments at the beginning or end of the day helps minimise disruptions to learning.


For long-term or frequent absences, such as for medical treatment, we will work with you to develop a tailored support plan to ensure your child continues to progress in their education.


Term-Time Holidays

We cannot approve absences for holidays during term time, even in situations where students have families overseas.


Exceptional Circumstances

If you wish to request time off for exceptional circumstances, please complete the Request for Absence form as early as possible. All requests will be reviewed individually.


Supporting Families with Attendance

We understand that maintaining regular attendance can be challenging for some families. If you are struggling, please contact The Head of Provision at We offer a variety of support options and are always willing to discuss any barriers to attendance.


Attendance Policy

For more information about our expectations for attendance and punctuality, please refer to our Attendance Policy.


Working together, we can ensure every student has the opportunity to succeed through excellent attendance.

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