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Key information: In Toto Peterborough

This section holds all the key information you need to know about In Toto Peterborough.

Make a note of your term dates, check our dress code, or visit the Parent Hub. If you’re yet to start your learning journey with us, take this opportunity to familiarise yourself with our teaching staff, and take a guided virtual tour of our facilities.

In Toto Ed strives to work as a team with parents, carers and students. Once you are enrolled with In Toto Ed, you will receive your login information for Firefly and the Parent Portal.

Meet your teachers

Find out who will be part of your learning journey! Read our staff list and bios, and get to know them a bit better.


My daughter was only with In Toto Ed for a short period of time, but it allowed her to reset and re-engage with education before returning back to mainstream school.

- Parent of a Year 9 student

Not yet enrolled with In Toto Ed? Discover how the process works, read our prospectus, and find out everything you need to know

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